Report a fault
Report a fault you have detected in your apartment or in the shared facilities
Take care of the most common orders and notifications related to residency by using our practical Order & notify service. We will always acknowledge your message without delay when your order or notification has been received and dealt with.
Our For residents page contains all the essential information on your housing company – easily accessible from a single location. Please log in here. Unfortunately, the content on the pages for residents are only in Finnish at the moment. If you don't have your building company's login credentials yet, you can order them from our customer service.
Report a fault you have detected in your apartment or in the shared facilities
Make a notification >
As a partner, you must make contact information changes to the Land Survey.
Read more >
Notify and seek permission for renovations planned for your apartment before starting the renovation
Make a notification >
Notify us when you move in and request for your name to be added to the mailbox
Make a notification >
Order and pay for the document of your choice.
Order and pay for the document >
Order the key of your choice.
Order key >
Submit a request to book or cancel a parking space or a sauna session
Submit request >
Submit your account information for refunds.
Submit >
Submit housing association expense documents for payment.
Submit >
Disclose your personal information regulatory notices and fees.
Make a notification >
Book and pay for the service available in your condominium.
Create reservation >
Report the water meter readings
Make a notification >